About SMS LibraryOn a typical day in the school building, our library is open from 7:55 AM until 3:00 PM and Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Osborne are here to offer assistance. You are welcome to come from class with a pass, or even from lunch (once you are done eating) with permission.Books are checked out for a two-week period. The date your book is due is stamped in the back of the book, you may renew your book as needed until you have finished reading your book.When a book cannot be found: first look again, ask all of your teachers, check at home, ask a parent or guardian to help. If the book is officially lost you will be responsible for the replacement cost of the book. Cheer up, if the book is found, in good condition, we will give you your money back for the cost of the book.When you come to the library from a class you must come with a pass from your teacher one person per pass. This pass is placed on the circulation counter (where books are checked out.)If you need to use the computer lab for any reason you must ask a librarian for permission to go into the lab. If the internet is needed for an assignment your teacher should supply the web site needed or you may use one of the resources from our library resource page.We love to help students find books that they will keep their interest! Please visit us and ask for help if you need assistance with book choices.Please contact us if needed by emailing Mrs. Jones:
Heather Jones
School Librarian
Julie Osborne
Library Paraprofessional