• Voting Information

Voting Times

  • Saturday, March 15th, 2025

    7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.

Polling Places

  • Where can we vote?

You can vote in the election if you:

    • Are 18 years or older;
    • Live in the Smyrna School District;
    • Are a USA and Delaware Citizen; and
    • Show proof of identity and address
      • Bring your Driver's License, State I.D. card, or passport


    • Reminder!
      • You do not need to own property or be a registered voter
      • You can request an absentee ballot if you are unable to go to the polls

Who can vote by absentee ballot?

  • A person who:

    • Is a United States citizen;
    • Is a Delaware citizen and resident;
    • Lives in the Smyrna School District;
    • Is 18 years or older;
    • Completes and signs an Absentee Ballot Application for Public School Elections; and
    • Cannot vote on Election Day because of a reason on the affidavit

What are the deadlines?

    • Return the affidavit 4 days before the election by noon if you want your ballot mailed to you.
    • Vote in the Department of Elections Office before noon the day before the election if you have made an appointment.
    • Return the voted ballot to the Department of Elections Office before 8 p.m. on Election Day.

How can I get an Absentee Ballot Application?

Will you mail an Absentee Ballot to me?

  • Yes, if:

    • The Department of Elections receives your application at least 4 days before the election;
    • Your application is filled out and signed by you; and
    • You are eligible to vote in the election.

How do I return my voted ballot?

  • By mail:

    • Obtain an Absentee Ballot Application for Public School Elections from the Department of Elections for Kent County. You may pick up an application at the respective Department or request in writing or by telephone that the Department of Elections mails an application to you. Applications requested prior to 4:00 p.m. will, in most circumstances, be mailed the same day. Some counties provide a downloadable application.
    • Complete and return the Absentee Ballot Application so that it arrives at the Department of Elections for Kent County no later than noon the 4th day prior to the election. The Department of Elections for Kent County will mail you the Absentee Ballot for the appropriate public school election as soon as the ballot is available. 
    • Complete and return the ballot so that it arrives at the Department of Elections for Kent County no later than 8 p.m. the day of the election. Ballots received after 8 p.m. on the day of the election will not be counted.


    • Go to the Department of Elections for Kent County conducting the election with proof of identity and address on any normal business day between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. until two days before the day of the election and between 8:30 a.m. and 12 noon on the day before the election.
    • Present proof of identity and address to the Department of Elections staff member.
    • Complete an Absentee Ballot Application for Public School Elections.
    • Vote your ballot.

What if I have a problem?

    • Call, email, or fax the Department of Elections; or
    • Go to the Department of Elections before 12 noon the day before the election.

How do I contact the Department of Elections?