Growth Mindset

  • Writing Your Growth Mindset Story

    Sharing a personal story with students about how having a growth mindset helped accomplish something challenging can be a powerful way to model what having a growth mindset means. This reflective writing activity is designed to help identify and refine a story from your own life that you could share with your students or children. This activity can be used with students to reflect on their own growth mindset.

    Growth Mindset Toolkit

    Students with a fixed mindset believe that their intelligence and talent are innate traits that don’t change. For example, they might say “I just can’t learn math.” These students typically worry about not looking smart, get upset by mistakes, and give up sooner on tough tasks.

    Students with a growth mindset believe that ability can change as a result of effort, perseverance, and practice. You might hear them say, “Math is hard, but if I keep trying, I can get better at it.” Students with a growth mindset see mistakes as ways to learn, embrace challenges, and persist in the face of setbacks. High-performing students and low-performing students may have either mindset.

    How to Develop a Growth Mindset and Create a Positive School Environment for At Risk Students

    A growth mindset for students can also lead to the following benefits:

    Improve a student’s grades and standardized test scores

    Encourages intrinsic motivation to learn

    Strengthens happiness and life satisfaction

    Reduces anxiety and chronic stress

    Can help close the achievement gap 

     In particular, growth mindsets have been proven effective for:

     English Language Learners

     Minority students

     Immigrant students

     Students from low-income families