Pumping Up for Kindergarten
Join us on March 25th, at North Smyrna Elementary School for our annual Pumping Up for Kindergarten event! We will have information on:
- School Readiness
- Kindergarten
- Spanish Immersion
- Registration for Kindergarten
The event begins at 6:00 PM.
Childcare rooms will open at 5:45 PM for ages 3 and up.
To register for the Pumping Up for Kindergarten event, please click HERE
To register your child for Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year, be sure to bring the required documents:
- Parent ID
- Child's Birth Certificate
- Proof of Residence
- Physical/Immunization
Contact your school with any questions about the Kindergarten Registration process. For questions about this event, you can email Candace Kelly at candace.kelly@smyrna.k12.de.us. We look forward to seeing you soon!
North Smyrna Elementary
365 N Main Street, Smyrna, DE 19977
P: (302) 653-8589
F: (302) 653-3146